Fileds of Research
时间:2011-03-28 点击: 次
The School currently has over 200 doctoral candidates. The current research interests include:
- Computer Peripheral Equipments
- Network and System Security
- Embedded Systems
- Computer Networks
- Computer Graph and Image Techniques
- Object-Oriented Software Engineering
- Computing Theory and Software Technology
- Programming Systems
- Software Test and Validation
- Multi-Sensor Data Fusion
- Intelligent Information Processing
- Bioinformatics and Biology Computing
- Data Mining
- Intelligent Control Techniques
The SCST offers three B.S., three M.S. and two Ph.D degree programmes in different areas. The main courses provided are:
- Distributed Computer System and Parallel Processing
- Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent System
- Object-Oriented Programming and Systems
- Network Management and Network Security
- Graph and Image Processing
- Computer Vision
- Mathematical Logic
- Computer Graphics
- Advanced Computer Architecture
- Automaton Theory and Formal Languages
- Digital Image Processing
- Distributed Processing Systems
- Computer Architecture
- Computer Networks
- Computer Systems Security
- Data Structure
- Operating Systems
- Software Engineering
- Multimedia Information Processing
- Automatic Control Principle
- Digital Signal Processing
- Computer Control Systems
- Principle of Data Communications
- Computer Network Security
- Educational Communications
- Educational Network Engineering